Monday, October 6, 2008

Speech Writing

Is it just me, or do you also write speeches in your mind for various political candidates at various times? With the campaign down to its final month, Obama surging ahead in battleground states, and "news" from the McCain campaign that they will, essentially, be going for the political jugular by Swift-boating Obama with Bill Ayers, Reverend Wright, and everything and anything else they can think of, I'm wanting Obama to augment his "rapid response" with something like this:

"My fellow Americans,

As John McCain attempts to "turn the page" in the final weeks of our campaign on what is the most devastating financial crisis since the Great Depression because he has no way out and no ideas, he offers me a tremendous opportunity to remind you of the cornerstone of my campaign. It's on the homepage of my web site where I say, "I'm asking you to believe. Not just in my ability to bring about real change in Washington, I'm asking you to believe in yours." This notion that the election is not about me but about what you and me can do together - with solid leadership from the top down and grassroots demands from the bottom up - is, itself, a change from politics as usual. It is a change from the George W. Bush "just go shopping and leave it to us" mentality. No measurable amount of anything I have talked about in this long campaign can or will happen unless and until we do it together. And no amount of John McCain's dishonorable, discredited attacks can alter our trajectory if we - and by we I mean you - don't let it.

We are in this together, America. And that is our power. The power of millions of voices who are willing to stand up with me to the powers that have been and say, no. That won't work. We won't let it. My opponent's tactics depend on people not thinking for themselves and the antidote is people thinking for themselves. The antidote is taking responsibility and not leaving it up to others.

So thank you, Senator McCain, for reminding me of what we have in this campaign that you never did or will - the unstoppable combination of millions who desire change and competent leadership that can make it happen."

Or something like that.

1 comment:

Mayor Lurie Calendar said...

Hello Steven,

My sister Angela sent me an email she received from you. Nice to get an update on you and your life, oh, and your blog! Good luck with your book sales and tour. Lemme know if you make it to San Francisco for one of your signings. And check out my blog when you get the chance: . I'll send Angela's forward from you to Amy Rubin.
All the best,