The overarching intention of Spiritually Responsible Politics is to elevate the public discourse; the crux of it is the responsibility we take as individuals, knowing that because of the law of attraction, who we are being, what we are thinking, and how we are feeling absolutely contribute to the whole: we are all connected. So here's a bit of what that all looks like in the Gulf using myself as an example.
While I have written that the blame game was one of the first thing I noticed when the news of the leak first presented itself, two months in I have yet to see anything close to anyone making the connection between the personal and the political or the environmental. Yet starting with we belong to the planet, not the planet to us, we are reminded that we are connected to Earth, made of the same stuff, and what we do to it we do to ourselves and what we do to ourselves we do to it. Plus the idea that, law of attraction-wise, we don't ever see anything "out there" that isn't a reflection of who we are "in here."
I realize this we are all connected idea can get a bit difficult to comprehend. I mean, there you are in your body, here I am in mine, there is clear and distinct separation, but only when viewed from where we are viewing. What this means with regard to the planet is that the planet represents our own physical bodies, so here we go. One of the things that stuck out to me, personally, was how ridiculous it was that we, collectively, however we did it, would take such a risk with drilling a mile below the surface of the Gulf when we were not at all sure that we could contain an accident.
And since I saw that "out there," I had to take a look "in here." And what do you know? I take risks with my body all the time. I deliberately put things in it - pollution - that I know are not good for it like, for example, and I'm just talking about myself here, sugar. An addiction? I have a battery of rationalizations as I go for the instant gratification like, oh it won't be that bad just this time and I'm sure my otherwise healthy body will be able to assimilate it and on and on and on. So, frankly, who the hell am I to look at what's happening in the Gulf and express such dismay that our government was lax enough and BP was irresponsible enough to take such a risk when I do the same exact thing myself?
It's not about shame or guilt, people, just a (rather large) dose of responsibility. Not sure about what you can do about the whole mess? Just look at what it is that most irks you about what's happening in the Gulf and you will find your answer. As for me and my sugar thing, it sure would be a lot easier if I were on this ride with some others. Any takers?
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